Exiles From The Sacred Land (Book 2) Read online

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  Dorenn hurried over to it and picked it up. Morgoran winced but relented when nothing happened.

  “In the future, I would suggest that you never simply pick up anything that has been sitting on a pedestal for ages. They are usually trapped in some horrible way,” Morgoran scolded.

  After wiping off the dust, Dorenn opened the book.

  “Can you read it?” Vesperin asked.

  Dorenn chuckled. “Actually, no.”

  “Let me see that.” Morgoran stood behind Dorenn and peered over his shoulder at the pages. “I should have realized. This is the knowledge and magic given to man by Vex. The first men came from the island continent of Lux Amarou. This is written in ancient Amar. I don’t think there is a man still alive that can read or write Amar except on Lux Amarou.”

  “People still live there?” Trendan was surprised.

  “Very few. Most of the Amar left Lux Amarou and settled Trigothia. They held onto the ancient tongue and customs for a while, but the old language died out in Trigothia ages ago. The continent of Lux Amarou is covered in old ruins, overgrown vegetation, and other dangers. That place makes Ishrak look like a modern paradise. I have only been there once, and I never wanted to go back.”

  “So is there a way we can get there by Lora Daine and bring one of the people back who can read this tome?”

  “Not likely. A Lora Daine is limited by distance; not even the biggest and best one in Draegodor could go that far, and even if you could, no Amar would step foot over here.” Morgoran shrugged. “We can take it back to Ianthill at By’temog. He used to be pretty good at reading old languages. I don’t know if his knowledge goes back this far, but it doesn’t hurt to try.”

  Dorenn shut the tome. “No, I would recognize some of these words if Ianthill could read this.”

  “I would postulate that absorbing someone’s essence doesn’t automatically give you all of their thoughts and abilities. It would also stand to reason that even with all the essence you absorbed, those wielders who still live might know things you still do not. It doesn’t automatically give you the sum of their experience either. You must be careful not to lean on that knowledge too much.”

  Dorenn nodded. “Let’s go back to By’temog and talk to Ianthill then. Give me a moment while I go take care of the Brae Daun Duil.” He hesitated. “Before I go, what happened to King Occelot?”

  Morgoran chuckled. “Thankfully your spell didn’t hold long. He reverted back to himself shortly after you changed him. We slipped away during the commotion.”

  Dorenn nodded before exiting the chamber. Outside, he looked around for the Brae Daun Duil. “Melias?”

  The creature lumbered over to him.

  “Fly to Lux Enor and tell the master that I have the tome and will be there soon. Tell him that I have defeated Morgoran and that I know who the betrayer is. Have him tell Kimala to continue as planned. Do you have all that?”

  The creature nodded.

  “You are sure you can still speak in the form of Melias?”

  The creature nodded.

  “Go, fly, and I will be there as soon as I can find a way to get there without raising suspicion.”

  The Brae Daun Duil took flight and flew off into the cold, snowy night.

  Chapter 22: Dragon’s Orb

  Vesperin awoke to bright light all around him. When his eyes adjusted, he could see a small white structure with a golden door a few paces away. He picked himself up and made his way to the construction. It appeared to be no more than a well-crafted and intricately-carved golden door in the middle of a white marble box that would take no more than eight paces to walk completely around, which he did. After a few moments’ hesitation, he opened the golden door and entered. Vesperin was surprised to see the room inside was enormous. It was much bigger on the inside than the outside. Gold and white furniture, placed meticulously throughout the room, complemented vast paintings and tapestries of bloody scenes of war in a strange kind of opposites attract sort of way. The vibrant colors of the tapestries and paintings, especially the red, broke the monotony of the white and gold.

  Vesperin tried to look at all the scenes in the room, but before long, he noticed that someone was sitting on one of the divans. Her golden hair and white and golden robes, coupled with the brightly lit room, hid her from his view at first.

  “Hello?” he called out.

  “Aye, I know you are there, Vesperin. I was letting you enjoy my artwork. Are they not beautiful?”

  “They are very beautiful, if not a bit morbid. Scenes of war and death, I mean.”

  The woman turned on her divan to face him. “Do you not recognize me? This is my work all around you.”

  “Loracia?” Vesperin fell to his knees and bowed to the floor.

  “Rise, my cleric, there is no need to be so formal here.”

  Vesperin rose. “Forgive me, but what is the proper title to call you? Goddess, maybe Your Grace, or Your Majesty?”

  “You may address me as Loracia. I may be a goddess to you, but I consider myself a mother and a healer before a goddess.”

  Vesperin still felt very nervous and awkward.

  “Relax, my cleric, sit.”

  As if she could sense his apprehension, her words soothed him, and all the tension drained from him. He sat down on the divan opposite Loracia.

  “Impressive room,” he said.

  She looked around as if trying to figure out what he was referring to. “It’s my inner sanctum, hidden from the rest of the realm of Venifyre, hidden from the other gods.”


  Loracia smiled, and Vesperin thought he would turn to ash at how sweet and sincere it was. Loracia’s features were almost too stunning to look at for long. A beauty so intoxicating, it was nearly painful to take it all in at once. “You see, I am going against my husband’s wishes by bringing you here. He would be furious if he found out. He has instructed us to all stay out of the affairs of the world, but we have found that directive to be impossible to uphold. We all love our creations so.” Her voice had an ethereal quality to it. “Besides, I happen to know Vex breaks his own decree and interferes almost daily. There is a lot happening at the moment.”

  Vesperin giggled in spite of himself.

  Loracia was also amused. “I understand. You are drunk on the light of this place.”

  “Is that what it is?”

  “I am afraid I do have that effect on your kind when in my presence.”

  “You are the goddess of life! I can feel it everywhere.”

  “Oh, yes, you would. I am sure more than others. I must remember that. Forgive me, Vesperin, but when I brought you back that day at Signal Hill, I had to alter your life force permanently.”

  “I have thanked you in my prayers, but now I have the opportunity to thank you in person.” He stood and bowed deeply. “Thank you, my goddess.”

  “You are most welcome. Now, sit back down, and I will get to the point. It may be a bit difficult for you.”

  Vesperin complied and made himself comfortable.

  “I am afraid that I brought you back for a selfish reason. My husband, Vex, sometimes needs a little help, a push, if you will. I do love him dearly, but he does not work well when it comes to matters of life and death. The secret is that Vex, or Fawlsbane Vex as you may know him, has always had trouble creating life. He needs me to keep life and death running smoothly.”

  Vesperin nodded.

  “Look at me droning on,” Loracia said. “I can see I need to be more direct.”

  “This all comes down to me somehow?” Vesperin asked.

  “Yes, but not only you. The task I ask of you I do not ask of you alone. It takes both sides of the coin to make it whole. One half will never make a whole; you need the other.”

  Vesperin felt sedated and lethargic. “What is happening?” At first, Vesperin did not recognize the woman dressed in white robes walking up to them from behind Loracia, but as she neared, he could see her face clearly. “Fayne!”

  “Aye,” Fayne said. “Loracia has brought me here too.” She giggled and held her hand over her mouth to stop herself. She sat down next to Vesperin.

  Vesperin was not used to seeing Fayne . . . well, happy! She was always serious and a little grim. “Fayne is the other side of the coin?”

  Loracia nodded. “This task will take both of you.” The goddess moved to a space directly in front of Vesperin. “Focus!” She slapped him across the face. “Nothing is as it seems. It is up to you and Fayne to see through the veils.” Vesperin was rubbing his cheek, fully alert now. “I am giving you both what you need to succeed.” His cheek tingled with life when it should have been stinging from the slap. “No one around you, other than Fayne, is who they seem. Do not trust anyone but Fayne.” Loracia handed Vesperin a walking staff topped with a metal dragon curled around a blue-tinged clear orb containing a dragon depicted in flight. “This staff is not to be taken into battle, nor is it to be used in anger. It is a staff of life, not of death. It serves no magical purpose to anyone but the two of you. It is uniquely suited to remain hidden until it is needed. There is another staff in the process of being forged, but it will take time. You must share until the companion staff is ready. Now, you are both still asleep. Wake up!”

  Vesperin sat straight up in his bed so fast he flung the bed covers onto the floor. He bounded out of bed and sprinted down the old castle’s partially crumbling hallway until he met Fayne, who had just topped the stairs. They stood face-to-face in nothing but their bedclothes.

  “Did you just see—” Fayne began.

  “Aye, Loracia in your dreams?” Vesperin answered.

  “What does it mean?”

  “It means we do Loracia’s work. Will the girls miss you down there?”

  “I don’t think so. Why?”

  “Come to my chamber; we have some things to discuss.” He grabbed ahold of her hand, and they both jogged to Vesperin’s chamber. He looked down the corridor both ways until he was satisfied that they didn’t wake anyone before he closed the door.

  “Where is it?” Fayne asked.

  Vesperin opened his hand. The staff was no bigger than a sewing needle.

  “Why is it so small?”

  “Loracia said it could remain hidden.” Vesperin held out his hand and channeled his healing warmth through it, and the staff became full-sized.

  “Let me see it,” Fayne whispered.

  Vesperin handed the staff to her, and it shrank down as soon as it left Vesperin’s touch. Fayne tried to catch it as it fell, but it only bounded off the tips of her fingers. It hit the cold stone floor with a ting-tang sound and promptly disappeared down a crack.

  The End of Book Two

  Exiles from the Sacred Land

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading Exiles from the Sacred Land. If you liked the book, please go to your favorite Amazon site (Amazon US or Amazon UK etc.) and give it a great rating. It only takes a few minutes.

  Exiles from the Sacred Land has been an enjoyable book to write. As I stated in the author’s note of Defenders of the Sacred Land, I have had this series in my head for quite some time, so it doesn’t take me long to write the next installment. The series will be five books in total and then I will finish writing the prequel trilogy, The Wielder Cycle, which chronicles the life of Lady Shey and culminates with the War of the Oracle.

  As always, if you would like to ask me a question, find out more about me, or contact me, my email is [email protected] and my current web page is http://marktyson.weebly.com

  MET July-2014

  P.S. If you are a purest, technically chapter 22 serves as the epilogue. I just don’t call it that since it falls in chronological order with the other chapters of the book. If you are not a purest, you don’t give a crap either way, and I am not sure why you are reading this! Hah! See you in book 3, Protectors of the Sacred Land.


  Adracoria- Southernmost Trigothian kingdom. Ruled by the Adrac family.

  Ageanna- God, creator of drakes and dragonkind.

  Amadace - Red dragon in which Bren serves as First Knight.

  Amalease Stone- Stone used to gain entry into the gates of Draegodor. It is located on Mount Urieus.

  Amar- Race of high men from Lux Amarou. First creation of Fawlsbane Vex.

  Anisport- Largest port city of Denogia, across the Great Sea.

  Arasyth/Sythia- Trigothian kingdom between Adracoria and Ardenia, Host to the Great Sythian Forest. Ruled by the Arasyth family.

  Ardenia- Northernmost Trigothian kingdom. Ruled by the Arden family.

  Arillian Elves- High elves from the Isle of Arill. They migrated to the isle of Arillia at the end of the first age after their forests became grasslands and the area now known as Ishrak had become cursed. They are the fairest of elves and most elegant.

  Are’dune- Race of men who can trace their origins to Lux Amarou and the Amar but are not considered truly high men.

  Ascendic Root- A potent root made into a tea and drank. It relieves pain depending on the dose. Higher dose causes euphoria. Weak tea relieves the minor pain of headaches, etc., while strong tea relieves severe pain.

  Basillian- One of the great port cities in the kingdom of Symboria. Basillain is located in Northern Symboria, south of Seabrey. Due to disputes and treaties, Basillain is the port city in the north for trade with Adracoria. Seabrey is the northern port city for trade with both Ardenia and Sythia.

  Bittering Tea- A strong brew made from the grinding of the bittering bean. It has a distinct aroma and is usually consumed in the morning as a stimulant.

  Bren- Dragon knight from Draegodor. First Knight of Amadace.

  Brendlewyre- See Theosus Fiderea.

  Broodlord- Common name given to a dragon knight with high ranking. (A brood is a family of something. A broodlord would be a high member of a family or lord of the brood.)

  Brynna- An Arillian, elf maiden, healer. She is the eldest daughter of Erinthill, and Ianthill’s niece. She resides on the Isle of Doom (Rugania).

  By’temog- The largest city of Ishrak, it was once the kingdom’s capital city. It fell into ruins after the curse of General Sythril. The general is rumored to currently be trapped as a ghost there, lurking among the ruins.

  Chamber of Ancients- An ancient room in the citadel of Rugania (the Isle of Doom) where youthful wielders take part in magical trials. It is also a place to cure essence sickness if necessary.

  Darovan- Island continent southwest of the tip of Adracoria where some of the elves of old migrated. Home to the Siladil and Noradil elves.

  Delanora/Delanorasylva- Dragon-speak name for Shadesilver.

  Dellah- Inn mistress of the Tiger’s Head Inn in Brookhaven, Symboria. Mother to Dorenn Adair.

  Denosia- Mysterious kingdom on the continent across the Great Ocean.

  Deylia- A young Trigothian woman who befriends Rennon in the capital of city of Trigoth.

  Dorenn Adair- Innkeeper’s son from the village of Brookhaven in Southeastern Symboria. Son of Lourn and Dellah Adair.

  Draegodor (Dray-go-door)- The city of red. Home of the dragons not in exile nestled deep in the Jagged Mountains.

  Dragon Claw- Parrying sword (dagger) of a dragon knight. Not actually a dragon claw but made of metal.

  Dragon Fang- Sword of a dragon knight. Not actually a dragon fang but made of metal.

  Dragon Knight- Men, elves, dwarves, and scarovs who have chosen, or have been chosen by the dragons, to serve as knight protectors of the dragon realm.

  Drakkius- Symbolic leader of Abaddonia.

  Dramyd (Draw-mid)- Winged creature created from drake eggs. Designed to kill, they do the bidding of Drasmyd Duil and Toborne.

  Dranmalin- An ancient sword forged by dragons. Its name literally means dragon hammer in ancient dragon-speak. It magically binds to its owner. It is currently Dorenn Adair’s sword after leaving Signal Hill.

  Drasmyd Duil (Draws-mid Do-ill)- Shapeshifters. They are cunning an
d deadly. They usually lead packs of Dramyds. They are also known as Shadow Lurkers. They answer to Toborne.

  Duil Clan- Clan of dragonkind Toborne used to create the Drasmyd Duil. Their specialty is shape-shifting into other beings.

  Endil- (Foreshome) Home city of the wood elves (Sylvan, Eridil) located deep in the Great Sythian Forest.

  Enowene (IN-O-ween)- Arillian elf and younger sister of Ianthill and Erinthill.

  Eridil- Elven name for wood or Sylvan elves. They are the only race of elves that did not migrate; instead, they made their home in Endil (Foreshome), where they still remain. They are shorter than Arillian elves and have slightly darker skin, but are still considered fair and wise.

  Erinthill- Arillian elf and fraternal twin sister of Ianthill, mother of Brynna.

  Essence Sickness- An illness caused by the unskilled use of drawing essence for magical purposes. It usually occurs to first-time wielders who have yet to be trained. It does not occur, however, if the wielder discovers he can draw essence as a child (before puberty). The illness is characterized by wild mood swings, delusions of grandeur, and eventually insanity. If left untreated, the insanity will be followed by death. Wielders afflicted with essence sickness often speak uncharacteristically of themselves, and say things they would never say otherwise.

  Fawlsbane Vex- God, co-creator of the world and father of the gods. Husband of Loracia, Goddess of Life.

  Ganas Nashe (Gann-is Na-shae)- Scout from Brookhaven for the king’s army of Symboria. Finder of the Lost Army in Denosia.